I have often wondered why coffee gives you a buzz and a few other things. So, in keeping with both of my sons' homework subjects, I decided to look it up on the periodic table.
Mmmm. Cobalt.

Cobalt as in blue? blue as in blue Xmas lights?
And this is another set that has decided that random crazy flashing and fading is better than always on.
I decided against trying to change the setting for fear of getting another one of those lovely little tingling zaps through my fingers.
I suppose rather like coffee.
Next, Fluorine.
A highly toxic and flammable yellow gas.Coffee isn't yellow, it is normally dark brown and if you manage to extract a good espresso then it comes with a light brown foamy crema - which I suppose could be likened to yellow.
I have to admit that I have not tried igniting the crema, and too much coffee can lead to explosive situations for some.
And finally, Iron.
Not the type of iron that you use to smooth wrinkles out of clothes, the element type. It has the number 26, which if you add the two digits together makes 8, which is a lucky number in Asia, and if you twist it on its side, it makes the infinity symbol:∞
Infinite amounts of iron - coupled with the fact that it is probably the most common element, means that it is everywhere, even in us. Our bodies need iron to function.
Ha! Tony Stark, we are all iron men - so don't think you are so special.
To recap: Cobalt is a chemical element in the earth's crust and is found only combined with other elements - so it has to go with Fluorine and Iron. Fluorine is explosive and toxic, but that is just an a digression. Iron is the most common element and our bodies need it to function properly.
Ergo, the earth must be made of coffee and we should all drink it.

(what a good lead in for a plug for my book:
Available on LimeyLimericks on Etsy:
What has this got to do with Christmas?
Absolutely nothing really, unless of course you were hoping for a coffee machine for Christmas, and then it has everything to do with the season of goodwill and giving gifts.
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