I managed to go for a walk today. And I avoided the Christmas Muzak. However, I did not avoid having a fight with a load of tinsel that was strewn over the floor outside a building. The debate was whether to gather it up and do something with it, or mutter something about surplus population and waste of money. I picked it up and placed it out of the way of trampling feet.
Rather Christmas spirited of me.
Which reminds me, if the price of Champagne in the supermarkets insists on being so stupidly expensive, then it will be a Prosecco Christmas. But oh, yes, didn't Boris mention something about more expensive Prosecco? Or was that in the UK? Well, whatever, I think it will have to be a Scrooge-led Christmas this year.
Bubbles out of the way, I prepared Stave 3 of Charles Dicken's masterpiece - A Christmas Carol to work on with my Friday afternoon pupil. There is a tenuous link in here somewhere about the tinsel and surplus population.
Today is going to be the Ghost of Christmas Present. Except he doesn't bring any presents, just want and ignorance.
And why wasn't this version available when I asked my pupil to watch the movie?
Oh, Bah, flipping Humbug. Only two days down and how many more to go?
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