Thursday 10 December 2015

Bah Humbug! It's December, again - 15 more days to go

There are no chimneys in Singapore

Actually, I probably lie, there are chimneys in Singapore, but not ones connected to fireplaces. Theoretically, I am probably lying again, but I argue that these fireplaces, feeding the chimneys that do exist, are not the chimneys and fireplaces meant for Santa, nor for roasting chestnuts around.

So, supermarkets, will you please cease and desist from playing Nat King Cole with his chestnuts around the open fire. Not least because it would be considered dangerous and contrary to health and safety.

And so, back to chimneys again.

The origin of Santa Claus climbing down the chimney is shared by many Europeans, and is thought to have originated from a Norse tradition. Odin entered homes on the winter solstice, climbing down chimneys or smoke holes to mark the beginning of winter.

In old traditions, the hearth (or fireplace stone) was believed to be sacred and a place that brought the family together. And the 17th century Dutch artist Jan Steen painted a family looking up the chimney at Christmas. Which shows that Santa Claus was climbing down chimneys all over the world.

St Nicholas, as many like to call him, visited houses at Christmas, throwing coins in through open windows, however, when the windows were locked, he would throw coins down the chimney instead. 

Most likely, he found the door locked.

As winter was cold and freezing, St. Nicholas was eventually welcomed into houses, and children would leave nuts and fruit for him. It was probably around 1800 that Santa Claus and clambering down the chimney was exported to the US and the rest is commercialised - Bah Humbug.

As I finish my bah-humbugish commercialisation of chimneys, there is the rather heated issue of how Santa and his immense mass, was able to squeeze down the chimney and avoid singeing his backside.

And so, here are the first two pages of a little ditty, sketched out and ready for publishing, next year ....

It’s Christmas Day, without the gifts,
Did Santa get our lists?
Dad said, ‘It’s cold, I’ll get a log,
While mother feeds the dog.’

I looked around the Christmas tree,
In search of gifts for me,
My brother searched with all his might,
There was nothing there in sight.

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