Wednesday 10 December 2014

Bah Humbug. It's December again - 15 days to Christmas

Bah Humbug, it's 10th December. 

If it's 10th December, that means there are only 15 more days to go, or I suppose 14 before the eve of the day itself.

I still have a pile of Christmas cards I have not sent out as I ran out of stamps and I hate the post office at Christmas. Actually, I hate the post office most of the time. Anything that involves a queue to me seems entirely pointless and a waste of good time.

So instead I went out to have coffee with a friend. She needed some milk, and some mince pies, so I popped into the supermarket to buy some. Simple enough task.

Simple was the word. I popped to a fabulous bakery named Simply Bread. However, their kitchens are still under renovation, so they don't have any bread, or cakes, or in fact anything that has to be baked. Perhaps they should temporarily rename themselves to Simply.

I had not choice but to try the other bakery, that is not so good, but they did have mince pies. Until the woman in front of me purchased every single one. OK not every one, but all the traditional mince pies. 'You could have blueberry mince pies,' suggested the apathetic serving staff.

'Blueberry mince pies?'

'Blueberry mince pies?'

Is this some other Americanism that has crept into an age old tradition? since when did mince pies have blueberries in them?

I declined and resorted to the supermarket. I still had to purchase milk.

Joy to the world, or rather Boney M greeted me. Why is it that at the same time every year, we are subjected to Wizard, Boney M, Band Aid, McCartney and Wham as we stroll the even narrower aisles than usual because they've decided to build precarious castles of food on offer, that is probably still 20% more expensive than on a normal day?

As if the assault to my ears was not enough, everyone kept walking in my way or standing in the aisle in such a manner that it would be impossible to pass unless of course you were a large elephant and then you probably wouldn't care.

And then, and I feel a hyperbole coming, I had to wait a million years at the cashier because someone wanted to pay with gift tokens and someone else wanted to purchase a gift token and wanted an envelope for it.

All I wanted was a litre of semi-skimmed milk and six mince pies!

So a fifteen minute journey took me nearly an hour.

I rest my case, all that queueing, turned out to be a waste of my time because someone else was not being efficient with theirs.

To add icing to the Christmas cake, they were digging up the road outside my friend's house when I arrived.

I reckon it was all to do with the alignment of the stars, and that rather large one that will be settling down in 15 days time.

Meanwhile,  the cup of coffee from the french press was extremely welcome.


Why can't everyone go home and let me shop in peace?

Incidentally queueing can be spelt without the e but with the extra e is best, after all, what fun having a word with 5 consecutive vowels!

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