Tuesday 2 December 2014

Bah Humbug - It's December again - 23 Days until Christmas

Bah Humbug, it's 2nd December, and it's a Tuesday. What could be worse? 

Monday I suppose.

Have you noticed how the price of chocolate increases around Christmas (and a few other overly commercialised festive occasions - like Halloween)? 

Perhaps we should ban chocolate all together - after all it rots teeth, gives you zits and a headache.

The concept of Advent Calendars with chocolate is an awful idea - just another way to pump more sugar into the mouths of babes and young ones.

And, remove copious amounts of cash from parents who, not want to be seen as mean and out of touch (sorry Quentin Blake), opt for the melt in your mouth version.

Not so me! - or not quite so me.

I wait until the beginning of the month, just when the supermarkets believe that everyone who will buy a calendar has bought one. Regular as clockwork, big discounts - so I suppose I end up paying the normal price for chocolate instead of an over-inflated supply and demand type of extortion.

If you have boys, then they rather revel in the idea of eating two or three pieces of chocolate in one go rather than the rationed one a day.

Who says you can't be a Scrooge at Christmas?


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